News writing remains the mainstay of learning the arts of journalism, and it is the backbone of all journalistic writingforms, especially it is the part on which the rest of journalistic writing arts are based.
In order for it to be ample, the piece of news has to feature of a set of co-related elements that achieves the all-encompassing news rule, in a way that can determine the quality of the news, to such an extent that if an element is missing, the piece of newsseems incomplete, aimless, and unpromising
Aside from the news traditional structuring, or what is known as answering famous six questions, what happened? Who played the first role in the occurrence of event? When it happened? Where does the event take place? How does it happen? And Whydoes it happen? In sum, the piece of news must contain the subject, the verb and object, as well as adverbs of space and time.
In order for the piece of news’ body to be complete, it is convenient to complete its structure in line with the constants agreed upon in this respect.